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Cosa è e come funziona. Adeguamento del registro di aferesi alla normativa sulla privacy. Oscuramento dei percorsi di archiviazione dal 15 maggio 2015.
Forced Organ Harvesting in China. Signature Forms for 2017 Petition. The Vatican continues efforts to court the Chinese Communist Party. DAFOH interviews CA State Senator Anderson about the fate of organ harvesting resolution.
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E-learning MOD - Procurement Surgery. The international deployment of this E-learning is notably thanks to the ACCORD Joint Action project, co-funded under the European Commission Health Programme. Surgeons interested in abdominal organ procurement and transplantation surgery may use thi.
Spoločnosť dialyzovaných a transplantovaných pacientov. Program krajských seminárov k Svetovému dňu obličiek 2018 na tému Obličky a zdravie žien. Seminár v Martine sa uskutoční spolu s celoslovenským transplantačno-nefrologickým seminárom. 2 európsky update kongres v nefrológii sa koná 5. 2018 v Budapešti a ponúka. 40 kongres Slovenskej nefrologickej spoločnosti s medzinárodnou účasťou.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011. Well, this seems like a good place to hide my thoughts. Thursday, March 31, 2011. This space has been ignored for so long. I wonder what happened to all my thoughts and memories that were captured here, or supposed to be captured here. Saturday, October 9, 2010. Two months in a foreign country is no joke. Sunday, September 5, 2010.
Időjárás a saját honlapjára! Időjárás a saját honlapomra. Változóan, néhol erősen felhős időnk lesz, elszórtan eső, zápor is lehet. 9-11 C fok várható napközben. Jók lesznek a közlekedési feltételek.